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Have fun, make connections and preserve literary history.
Our style of Yiddaica is made with love and appreciation for the language and culture surrounding it. It is our belief that the serious nature of preserving cultural heritage starts with a spark of fun that entices a deeper connection. That's why all purchases of Schlepify merchandise contribute to the preservation of Yiddish literature via donation to non-profit organizations.
Strengthen your cultural connection while staying connected with your family heritage and friends in a positive way. Whether you're looking to learn Yiddish, share your love for the language with fun designs, or support the preservation of Yiddish literature, we're here for you.
Choose from a wide selection of uniquely designed word art of Yiddish words and phrases to bring a smile to your face and evoke nostalgic memories of your family.
With every purchase you make, a portion of the proceeds goes towards supporting the preservation of Yiddish literature and culture through a donation to Yiddish preservation
Explore our language instruction resources and start your journey to an understanding of the Yiddish language.
Whether you're just schmei-ing or want to find something specific, explore our tchatchkies and schmattas. You might just find the perfect match